Hi, my name is Sharon Jones and I am delighted to be appointed to your canon 25 management board and I look forward to meeting and working with you all. I was born and raised on the island of Newfoundland where I learned the importance of parish ministry to the community; inside and outside the building. I am naturally curious and like to learn the stories of those I walk with.
My amazing husband Doug and I (along with our many children) live, worship, work, and play in Whitby, Ontario. I am a former member of the military and for the past few decades I have worked as an independent contractor in finance, administration and just about anything else that pays the bills!. One of my favourite clients is PAVRO – Professional Association of Volunteer Leaders of Ontario, where I work & volunteer in my spare time!
As an associate of the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine and a mentor with EfM Canada, I follow a rule of life that places God, prayer, service, learning, and rest at the centre of my life which strengthens my individual call to ministry. I have been a part of parish ministry since birth which means that I have participated in just about every role there is in parish life and have been a dioscean volunteer for many years. I have journeyed along parishes with Parish Selection Committees, Mission Action Plans, Area DayCommittee, Volunteer Management and many other roles as I am called.
I believe that we are all beloved children of God, called to be who we are in the world. Serving and recognizing Christ in all we meet. I look forward to hearing your stories.