We invite you to worship at Grace Church!
Our church is open for everyone! Come dressed as you want, asking as many questions as you have. We can’t guarantee an immediate answer to all of them, but we will give you a warm welcome!
Where is the church located?
We are an 8-minute walk from Kennedy Subway station or a 4-minute bus ride, taking the 113 Danforth bus 3 stops to Merrian Road.
Parking is available on the north side of the church. Reserved handicapped spots are located near the walkway on the south side of the parking lot and there are handicap entrances on both the east and north side of the church.
What happens when I come in?
Feel free to identify yourself as a visitor and ask any questions you might have. You may sit anywhere you like. Don’t worry about taking someone’s seat. If it’s empty, it’s your seat!
What should I wear?
Do my children stay with me?
How long is the service?
You can participate as much or as little as you like. If you just want to sit quietly and watch, that’s fine. You won’t be singled out.
What happens during the service?
There will be a sermon preached in the middle of the service that relates to the biblical readings and a topic/theme, within both past and present contexts.
During the service, there will also be an opportunity for us to “share the peace” with one other, in the form of a smile, handshake or hug.
We take a collection during our offertory hymn to support our ongoing mission and ministry. As our guest, you are invited to participate as well if you choose.
All baptized Christians are invited to receive both the bread and the wine at Holy Communion. You may choose to just come forward for a blessing, indicated by crossing your arms, or remain in your seat. If you would like to receive communion but have mobility issues, simply tell the sidesperson or someone near you, and the clergy can bring communion to you.
What happens after the service?
We hope you will feel at home at Grace Church, and go in peace with God’s blessing.