Hospitality Ministers
Hospitality Ministers are stationed at the entrances to the Church at each Sunday liturgy to offer a warm welcome to visitors and parishioners, to answer questions, and to assist in other needs. They arrive early to welcome parishioners, distribute bulletins and provide assistance in seating. During the liturgy, they take up the offering, bring forward the gifts of bread and wine, and guide congregants up for communion.
Contact: Veronica Cumberbatch
Readers & Prayer Leaders
As an integral part of our worship, these men and women read the lessons and lead the prayers of the people during the Sunday liturgy. You must demonstrate the ability to read the Word with clear distinction and a strong, reverential voice.
Contact: Veronica Cumberbatch
Servers & Chalice Bearers
Servers assist during communion and carry the cross and Gospel during the processions and recession at the 10:30 a.m. service and other special services throughout the Church year. Chalice bearers assist the clergy in serving the wine for the Eucharist to the congregation.
Contact: Ryan Ramsden
Chancel Guild
Contact: Sylvia Slemmestad